Sunday, October 12, 2008

3rd Grade Fall Picture

3rd Grade Fall 2008-2009
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Great Southern Womens Show

On October 11, 2008 we spent the afternoon manning the National MS Society booth at the Great Southern Womens Show. We helped raise donations for MS programs locally and met lots of great people, had a great time and raised lots of money...

Jon & Kate sans 8 were at the show, what a mad house to get to see them on stage, as I heard one exhibitor say it was an 'Estro'fest

Daddy manning the wheel where 'Every Spin Wins'

Nana & L together at the booth

Momma & L

This was a great experience for all of us and we raised money for a great cause. Interesting to note, the money flowing around this hall to me did not seem to show any signs of slowing due to a "busted" economy. Although it ["busted" economy] is here it was amazing to see the "stuff" people were buying or spending money on/for...
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Angel the "Bag Lady"

You know what they say...
"Curiosity Killed the Cat"
I think here it may be Mommy more then curiosity LOL
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

New Barbie Spectacles

Check out my glasses.

Don't I look studious?
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Friday, August 22, 2008

TS FAY 8/21/08

Well after 2 days of nothing we got basically all the rain and water FAY could soak up. We have some flooding inside, but not major. We will have to replace some flooring, but the house is in dis-array. We are all safe and sound, a bit worse for wear but lucky. All in all this was the weirdest storm I have ever experienced, even after the 3 Hurricanes in 2004. Oh well , reminds us to be thankful for what we have. Enjoy the pics!

This is the road to our neighborhood during the height of the storm 8-21-08.
I am standing at the driveway to the community.

Same road on 8-22-08, the signs I think either washed away or were blown over and sank.

Check out this house boat in Lake Monroe, thats not good.
(click for larger image)

Here is some flooding inside our community, see that truck, the tires appear flat (thats the water). By the end of the rain on 8-21 the water was up to the steps on most homes.
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Monday, August 18, 2008

1st Day of 3rd Grade (wholly moly!)

Check out my fashionable 1GB Flash Drive!

w/ The Momma

and The Dadda
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Cousin Chads Visit

Blizzard Beach - Lazy River

KSC Astronaut Encounter w/ John Blaha

Our Trip on the Shuttle (we are floating)

A Wizard and A Witch!
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