Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shuttle Night Launch 12-9-06

The 4 launch photos, are captures from my video camera. The night light up like a golden sunset, the most beautiful I have ever seen.

This image was taken by a co-worker on 12/7/06 the night the launch scrubed.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Aunt DoDo B-day Suprise!

Suprise, I am here!

I love DoDo!

Bowling Party 2 The Group!

Just a bunch of Kids! :) Posted by Picasa

2006 Bowling Party 7 years Old!

Dad made the cake, Oh Yeah! What can't he do?

Cosmic Bowling (Black Lights, Fun, Fun, Fun) Posted by Picasa

Sanford Christmas Parade & Nursing Home Dance 2006

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